Tuesday, October 4, 2011

JayTube - Monday, October 4th

I know times are tough, but this is just ridiculous: A sandwich shop in Eugene, Oregon held a contest over the weekend, offering $300 and free subs for a year to the person who could chug 32 OUNCES OF RANCH DRESSING the fastest.

There's a video of it online, and one guy does it in 25 SECONDS.

Apparently this isn't the first ranch dressing race sponsored by the restaurant chain. The first one was in Iowa this April . . . where a college student drank 24 ounces in 16 seconds.

Monday, October 3, 2011

JayTube - Monday, October 3rd

There's a pretty intense video on YouTube . . . but it's not intense in the way you might think. It's just a 29-year-old deaf girl hearing herself for the first time, with the aid of a medical device.

Basically, she reacts exactly how you'd THINK someone would react when hearing their own voice for the first time . . . she's emotionally overwhelmed.

Friday, September 30, 2011

JayTube - Friday, September 30th

This Sunday is ANDY ROONEY'S last episode of "60 Minutes", so called "Andy Rooney Out of Context". It's just random comments from Rooney. But without any context, they're even more ridiculous.

Here are just a few of the things he says: He thinks the staple remover is a better invention than the staple . . . he wishes telephones made a different sound . . . and he likes roasting marshmallows, but rarely has access to a fire.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, September 29

In case you missed it, JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITT did an outstanding Axl Rose impression on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" on Tuesday. He sang a karaoke version of the Kelly Clarkson song "Since U Been Gone".

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, September 28th

What would you do if you were out on a movie date and entered the theater with your date to discover that the entire theater was filled with big tough bikers, except for two lone seats in the middle?

An awesome new viral campaign set out to see how couples would react to a theater filled with the not-so-friendly guys.

The video has racked up a whopping 1.3 million views in under a week and has the Internet abuzz as people talk about how they would react.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, September 27th

Over the weekend a new dance sensation, who calls himself Nonstop, was introduced online. This guy takes "The Robot" to an entirely new level.

This video was just uploaded on Friday and already has well over a million views.

Monday, September 26, 2011

JayTube - Monday, September 26

YouTube sensation Matt Mulholland, known for his outstanding one-man multi-track a cappella videos, has redone the memorable skateboard-chase scene from Back to the Future.

Friday, September 23, 2011

JayTube - Friday, September 23rd

Have you ever wondered what all your favorite classic film characters would look like with Tom Selleck’s moustache? Wonder no more!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, September 22nd

Someone posted a video on YouTube of two white-haired old ladies tailgating at the University of Michigan football game last weekend. And they race to see who can SHOTGUN A BEER the fastest.

One of them did it in SIX SECONDS. The other did it in about eight. Could you do better?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, September 21st

Remember how the Rickrolling Internet meme revived the career of Rick Astley? Michael Bolton may get a new throng of fans after today's vide "Bolton Beach." Watch this and get "Bolton'ed."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, September 20th

Guys are always checking out girls, and often aren't very discreet about it. Girls like to check out guys too, only they're so tactful in their ability to do so that guys have no idea. That's why a guy named Anthony decided to perform a little experiment. He installed tiny hidden cameras on different parts of his body to see which of his parts capture the attention of ladies. What he found is that women aren't very discreet when cameras are watching them.

Monday, September 19, 2011

JayTube - Monday, September 19th

Everyone knows that old people have trouble with computers, which is why the viral video we shared last week of an elderly couple trying to use a webcam was so funny. Now this week, it's another elderly couple grappling with a computer issue. The Muppet Show's heckling old men Statler and Waldorf try to get on the Internet.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, September 14th

We learned last week that MADONNA hates hydrangeas. For some reason, this became far more of a "controversy" than it had any right to be.

So Madonna decided to make a YouTube video lampooning the whole thing. And it's actually pretty funny.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

JayTube - Monday, Sept 12th

After 1.6 million votes, contemporary dancer Jordan Clark has been named Canada's Favourite Dancer on the So You Think You Can Dance Canada Season 4 finale

Congratulations to Jordan Clark, also congrats to our man, Matt Marr from Quispamsis. Matt came in third, check out Matt below in his Top Ten Solo.

Friday, September 9, 2011

JayTube - Friday, September 9th

Today in JayTube we take a look at The New Brunswick Youth Orchestra’s El Sistema after-school program, which exposes children to music.

El Sistema is entering its third year in Moncton and starts here in Saint John this month. More than 200 children will participate

El Sistema started in of Venezuela, offering any enthusiastic and dedicated child the instrument of their choice and free lessons. More than 350,000 children now participate in the South American country's program.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, September 7th

Today on JayTube we are featuring the newest member to the K-100 family, Boss Geoff.

Get an exclusive inside look at the important issues that are discussed with our new leader from day to day.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, September 6th

I hate to call stuff like 'planking' and 'owling' a trend, because let's face it: How many people are actually doing this? Anyway, you can add 'Batmaning' to the list of stupid Internet trends that aren't really sweeping the nation.

It's sort of like planking, but instead of just lying down flat somewhere, you have to HANG UPSIDE DOWN off of something by your feet . . . like a sleeping bat. So while it has nothing to do with Batman, at least it involves some athletic ability.

Monday, September 5, 2011

JayTube - Monday, September 5th

When the earthquake hit Virginia last week people started tweeting about it so quickly that people in New York knew it had struck before they even felt the quake. Twitter make this hilarious commercial as a result. Twitter is faster than earthquakes, indeed!

Friday, September 2, 2011

JayTube - Friday, September 2nd

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE hasn't been in "music mode" for a while now, but on Wednesday night he performed with a Memphis band called FREESOL in New York.

It happened at his restaurant, Southern Hospitality, and the band is one of Justin's protégés. He "executive produced" their upcoming debut album, which comes out next month, and he "co-directed" a few of their videos.

During their gig Wednesday night, Justin played the keyboard on some of their tracks . . . did some rapping . . . and busted out an acoustic version of his 2007 single "What Goes Around . . . Comes Around".

Thursday, September 1, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, September 1st

Apparently Snooki from "Jersey Shore" always wanted to be an anchorwoman. If you'd like to see how that would have turned out, you're in luck. We give you: The News According to Snooki

She covers the hurricane, Beyoncé's pregnancy, and some Stupid News. It would have been funny if she'd actually tried to be a news anchor. But since it was done for hi-larious laughs, the three minutes she's "reporting" feel like an eternity.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, August 31st

Don’t be fooled by these kittens’ cuteness…they’re dangerous!

The video’s description is almost as hilarious as the video itself: “I know it’s short but when I saw these kittens playing around with light sabers I had to start filming.”

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, August 30

Riding into the eye of hurricane Irene.

Click here.

Hurricane Irene as seen from the International Space Station.

Monday, August 29, 2011

JayTube - Monday, August 29th


It's important for parents to repeatedly remind their kids just who's the boss of the house. If they don't, then the kids will get away with doing whatever they want to do; like playing ball in the house, drawing on the walls, or sleeping past 9am. This dad wants his little sleepyhead to get up, so he does what we're sure any other parent would do -- he creeps into his room and attacks him with a water gun. That's a big win for dad.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

JayTube Aug 24th

He's done it again! DJ Earworm has put out a mashup of the hits from the first 6 months of the year! Check out "Party On The Floor".

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, August 23

When you think of babies and fingers, the first thing that pops into your head is probably the YouTube viral video sensation ‘Charlie Bit My Finger’, which is why it’s only fitting that Gerber is using the hit in a viral video campaign of their own for their Gerber Finger Foods.

Perhaps the ad would have been more effective a few years ago, when Charlie Bit My Finger was first going viral, but the 200,000 views they’ve seen so far are certainly nothing to shake a stick at.

What’s your take on Gerber’s use of Charlie Bit My Finger? Is it a good advertisement, or is Gerber a few years late?

Monday, August 22, 2011

JayTube - Monday, August 22

Stevie Wonder’s ‘I Just Called To Say I Love You’ is a classic love song, but these days nobody calls to say “I Love You” anymore. They text “I Love You”, they tweet “I Love You”, and they post “I Love You” on Facebook, but calling to say “I Love You” is definitely passé.

Here’s merican Idol’s Elliott Yamin, Modern Family’s Sarah Hyland and her real-life boyfriend Matt Prokop of High School Musical 3 with ‘I Just Texted To Say I Love You’

Friday, August 19, 2011

JayTube - Friday, August 19th

Watch Anderson Cooper lose it while reporting on Gerard Depardieu's public urination on a plane.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, August 18th

There's a new video remix on Vimeo.com called "Movie Line Rhymes", and it's just a basic beat, but the lyrics are all famous movie lines . . . and they all rhyme.

A website called ScreenWerks.tv made it using scenes from 48 different movies, including "Scarface", "Airplane", "The Karate Kid", "E.T.", and "The Empire Strikes Back".

'Movie Line Rhymes' by Jordan Laws from ScreenWerks on Vimeo.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, August 17th

Colleen is on her way to a retirement party; or so she thinks. What she doesn't realize is that she's actually on her way to a wedding -- her wedding. Her boyfriend Shawn spent the past year finding out what Colleen's vision of a perfect wedding would be, and then without her knowing, planned the entire thing down to the smallest detail. He invited 200 guests and explained to them all what was going on. In the end, she said "yes" and Shawn had pulled off the most amazing wedding ever.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, Aug 16th

We’re here to help you start out the day with a smile on your face with these videos. Today JayTube features a cat fashion show, the cutest bear attack of all time and some adorable dogs.

Photographer Takoko Iwasa has just put out a new book called ‘Fashion Cats’, featuring cats in funny clothes and hats. To promote the book, a video of a cat photo shoot was put together. This is Haute CATure at its finest!

This dog loves to howl with sirens…it’s probably not so fun for the neighbors, but it sure is for us!

Thought the siren howling dog was cute? Just wait until you see this Alaskan Klee Kai puppy freaking out over a lime.

Jesse the Jack Russell Terrier does all sorts of useful tricks, from bringing his owner his food dish and a can of food to helping make the bed, to making tea and toast. I’m not so sure I’d like to eat a piece of toast made by a dog.

Finally, this has got to be the cutest bear attack of all time! Embedding has been disabled for this video, but you can click here to watch it on YouTube.

Monday, August 15, 2011

JayTube - Monday, August 15th

In a new PSA, Ben Stiller talks about how he came up with the name of his new charity the Jennifer Aniston Foundation

(which you can visit at SeeJenniferAnistonNakedFoundation.com)

Friday, August 12, 2011

JayTube - Friday, August 12th

Meet John Taylor. He's a guitar player. John can play the guitar really fast; like really, really fast. In fact, he just became the world's fastest guitar player. Watch him destroy the record here.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

At a Maritime Aquarium a deer somehow made his way into the seal tank and decided to go for a swim. How it happened? not exactly sure. But sure glad someone caught it on tape!

This video features a family of ducks trying to walk up the down escalator. While the video originally went viral back in 2009, it had a sudden surge in viewership this week

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, August 10th

Real Madrid, voted the most successful football club of the 20th century by FIFA, has got no problem beating teams in their own league, which is why, to celebrate their 109th year, they decided to play against 109 children in China.

A video of the match has gone viral this week, racking up over 1.5 million views. It’s pretty funny to watch the team of 11 yellow jerseys make their way through a sea of white shirts.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, August 9th

A recent survey found that most people consider "Saved By the Bell" to be the Best School TV Show of All Time. 35% of the people polled chose "Saved By the Bell". The original "Beverly Hills, 90210" was next with 31%.

Saved By The Bell fans, get ready to flip out because an awesome new interactive game has just hit YouTube, starring your favorite 90s crew—Zack, Jessie, Kelly, Screech and Slater. It's complete with three interactive games based on classic situations from the series.

Monday, August 8, 2011

JayTube - Monday, August 8th

A reporter was doing a live report about nutrition from the Kansas City airport, and didn't realize that a guy was proposing to his girlfriend in the background. The cameraman had to tell her what happened.

And the couple didn't realize they were on TV either, so the reporter called them over to do an interview. But the whole thing ended up being really awkward, because the reporter acted weird, especially when she asked if they were old enough to do it.

It didn't help that the dorky guy had his backpack on the whole time.

Friday, August 5, 2011

JayTube - Friday, August 5th

The concept for BLINK-182'S new "Up All Night" video is pretty great. It begins with this message: Quote, "To launch our first single in eight years, AT&T helped us search YouTube for every instance of fans using our music without our permission . . .

"And then we rewarded them for it. This film is made out of clips from all those videos. Thanks for being a fan." And that's exactly what it is: A montage of clips from fans' videos that included their music.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, August 4th

Next time you get a parking ticket here in Saint John Just be thankful you don't live in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The mayor has officially proven that he is the most badass mayor of all time. He crushes a Mercedes with a tank because it is illegally parked in the bike lane. I guess the citizens of Vilnius will think twice from now on before parking illegally!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, August 3rd

For the past two weeks, a construction worker in New York named Gary Russo has been spending his thirty-minute lunch breaks standing outside a construction site on the Upper East Side . . . singing Frank Sinatra songs on a karaoke machine.

He's working on the new Second Avenue subway line, and when he sings, he hangs up a sign that says, quote, "Forget all the noise, traffic and the impact of the 2nd Avenue Subway. Enjoy the music!"

There's a video online of him singing the Sinatra song, "Summer Wind" . . . and he's not bad.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, August 2nd

So, you're not a fan of the teeth, the beedy little eyes and the bite wounds ? Now, there is a friendly alternative to "Shark Week."

Friday, July 29, 2011

JayTube - Friday, July 29th

There was a fake feud between FABIO and the Old Spice Guy on YouTube this week. It was a marketing campaign where Fabio was supposedly trying to become the new spokesman.

Both of them were in a bunch of weird YouTube ads posted by Old Spice. But yesterday the whole thing finally got resolved . . . and you'll be happy to know that ISAIAH MUSTAFA is STILL the Old Spice Guy.

In their last video, Mustafa tried to get rid of Fabio and his ridiculous accent by having him travel back in time, to convince himself not to start the feud in the first place.

When that didn't work, he had Fabio hold a helium balloon, which carried him up into the air, and out of the galaxy. Yeah. The Old Spice ads are getting weirder and weirder.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Football is back now that the NFL lockout is over. To celebrate the return to the gridiron, Judson Laipply -- known for his famous "Evolution of Dance" YouTube video -- has created the "Evolution of the Touchdown Dance."a

Original "Evolution of Dance"

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, July 26th

Over the weekend, BOYZ II MEN made a surprise appearance on stage with NKOTBSB . . . the touring supergroup made up of NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK and the BACKSTREET BOYS. It happened in Orlando, Florida.

All three groups performed Boyz II Men's song "End of the Road", which immediately sent all the 30-something-year-old women back to their High School proms.

Monday, July 25, 2011


Beating the Heat Part One . . . Riding a Motorcycle Wearing Just the Ridiculous Green Bathing Suit from "Borat":

There was triple-digit heat across most of the country this weekend. And a guy outside St. Louis named Jacob Southard is trying to stay cool by riding his motorcycle . . . wearing nothing but that ridiculous green bathing suit from the movie "Borat".

From the side, he looks completely naked except for his helmet. And when the local news asked him why he's doing it, his answer was simple: "Beatin' the heat."

He said he asked a cop if it's legal, and it is. And when his boss saw him on the highway, she thought it was hilarious and took a picture. Apparently the whole thing started on a dare, and he liked it. Meanwhile, his wife and mother are VERY upset.


Beating the Heat Part Two . . . Taking Your Pants Off on the New York Subway:
It was so hot in New York on Friday, some crazy lady on the subway took her PANTS off. Which isn't really that weird by New York subway video standards. She just stood there holding the handrail, and everyone on the train tried to ignore it.

But the best part is when a guy gets on and sits down next to her without looking. Then he realizes what's up, and moves to the other end of the train.

(--WARNING: This video includes backside nudity.)

Click here

Beating the Heat Part Three . . . A Dog Tried to Bring a Baby Pool Inside, and Succeeded:

There's a video on YouTube of a bulldog playing in a baby pool. Then it decides it doesn't want to be in the sun anymore, so it tries to drag the pool inside the house . . . while there's water in it.

The problem is, the sliding glass door is only open about a foot and a half. But he still manages to get the pool inside . . . after all the water splashes out.

Friday, July 22, 2011

JayTube - Friday, July 27th

At the Arizona Diamondbacks game on Wednesday, Brewers second baseman Ricky Weeks threw a ball into the stands, right at a little kid wearing a Brewers jersey.
But it bounced off the kid's glove, and another kid got it. Now. with kids being kids, what do you think happened?
Get this: The kid with the ball GAVE IT BACK.
The Diamondbacks announcers were so impressed, they gave him four free tickets, an autographed bat, and brought him up to the booth.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, July 21st

There can be only one Kim Kardashian -- and the reality star is ready to take that to court.

She's suing a clothig chain for using a look-alike in a recent ad campaign. Kim said, "I've worked hard to support the products I'm personally involved with that I believe in." Apparently she could be seeking up to $20 million in damages.

Her attorney, Gary Hecker, filed the suit in U.S. District Court yesterday, over the clothing chain's "unauthorized use of Kardashian's name, likeness, identity and persona."

And to make matters worse, the Kim copy, model Melissa Molinaro, is dating her ex-boyfriend Reggie Bush!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, July 20th

At the Charlotte Bobcats fantasy camp on Monday, owner MICHAEL JORDAN proved that at 48 years old, he can still play. There's a new video online where he looks at a kid and says, "You're gonna see a 48-year-old dunk a basketball."

Then he runs down the court and just does a simple, one-handed dunk. But he does it EASILY. It's not much compared to the foul line dunk he did in 1988 . . . but back then he was 25.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, July 19th


Well this is a pretty unique way to propose to your girlfriend. Good thing it all went to plan... that outcome could have been a lot worse!

<a href='http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/insane-marriage-proposal/1glypslfc?from=en-ca-infopane&src=v5%3Ashare%3Afacebook%3A&brand=MSN' target='_new' title='Insane Marriage Proposal' >Video: Insane Marriage Proposal</a>

Monday, July 18, 2011

JayTube - Monday, July 18th

A cappella fans, you’re in for a treat! Last week an amazing a cappella performance of Rammstein’s Du Hast went viral. Today on JayTube the best a cappella performances on YouTube.

This list has got covers of everyone from Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Queen to an a cappella remake of the Matrix soundtrack.

Friday, July 15, 2011

If you happened to be on King Street yesterday around noon you may ave noticed a certain buzz going on. Nobody knew exactly what was going on. then all of a sudden this happened ....

At noon on Thursday, Dylan Corscadden stepped into the middle of King Street and started to dance. Within seconds hundreds of dancers took to the street

K100, Today's Best Music organized a flash mob with hundreds of kids and parents from different dance schools in and around the city to show support for Matt Marr a finalist on So You Think You Can Dance Canada from Quispamsis.

Marr made it past the first round of eliminations earlier this week. He's now one of 20 competitors. So You Think You Can Dance Canada airs Mondays on CTV at 9 p.m.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, July 14th

The Final Harry Potter Movie Hits Theaters Tomorrow:"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

To bring you up to speed, the guys who do the YouTube series called "Kids React" have a new video where the two of them run through the full plotlines of the first seven "Harry Potter" movies. And they do it in seven minutes.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, July 13th


A reporter from Time Warner Cable News is doing a serious piece on a brush fire in Southern California. She is so close to the scene that mid-report, she gets drenched by water from a helicopter. At this point, she pulls a bit of a Jimmy Fallon and can't stop laughing. However, she soldiers on and finishes her report.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, July 12th

YouTube has helped singers like Justin Bieber get discovered, has been a great tool for spreading the word about good causes and has turned a multitude of regular Joes into overnight viral sensations.

Last week, a Marine sergeant named Scott Moore posted a video on YouTube asking MILA KUNIS to attend the Marine Corps Ball with him on November 18th in Greenville, North Carolina.

Well . . . Mila has ACCEPTED.

Mila and JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE were being interviewed by Fox News for their upcoming flick "Friends With Benefits" . . . and Justin put the hard sell on her, saying, quote, "You need to do it for your country."

Mila said, quote, "I'll go. I'll do it for you."

Then she asked Justin if he was going, too. He replied, quote, "They don't want me! They want you."

Monday, July 11, 2011

JayTube - Monday, July 11th

If you haven't seen it, DEREK JETER got his 3,000th hit on Saturday, and then some. He went five for five, had the game-winning hit, AND his 3,000th hit was a home run.

It's hard to believe, but Jeter is the first player to get his 3,000th hit while wearing a Yankees uniform. And he's just the second player to do it with a home run.
The other was Wade Boggs. Only 28 players have reached the 3,000 mark: 14 were right-handed batters, 12 were left-handed, and two were switch hitters.

Click here.

Friday, July 8, 2011

JayTube - Friday, July 8th

The number one women's tennis player in the world, CAROLINE WOZNIACKI, played a Swedish Open match on Tuesday against a French player named Alizé Cornet.

And right before Wozniacki was about to serve for match point, someone's cell phone went off. So she stood there waiting for the person to mute it . . . until Cornet realized it was HER phone.

And when she ran over to her bag to turn it off, she got a big laugh from the crowd and a big smile from Wozniacki. Wozniacki ended up losing the set but won the match.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, July 7th

The Australian planking craze has taken the world by storm. We’ve seen footballers in Australia do celebratory planks, IndyCar drivers plank on their racecars, planking songs and contests and there are planking Facebook groups around the globe.

Most recently, planking made its way to the Canadian Football League and a YouTube video is climbing the YouTube charts today.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, July 6th

NICK JONAS did an acoustic version of LADY GAGA'S "The Edge of Glory" at a show in L.A. over the weekend . . . and Lady Gaga is a fan.

She linked to a video of the performance on Twitter, and said, quote, "Swoon! Nick Jonas singing 'The Edge of Glory' . . . So dreamy!"

And Nick Tweeted this back: Quote, "The pleasure is all mine. That is a beautiful song. Keep inspiring the world."

Monday, July 4, 2011

JayTube - Monday, July 4th

The Sneezing Baby Panda has been viewed over 106 million times on YouTube. It is the 45th most-viewed video of all time, has been featured on South Park, 30 Rock and Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, and has even been turned into a painting to be hung in YouTube’s Tokyo office. Now, the Sneezing Baby Panda is taking things a step further with an upcoming mockumentary—The Life and Times of Sneezing Baby Panda.

You’ve probably already seen the original Sneezing Baby Panda video (along with the rest of the world!) but check it out again below.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

JayTube - Thursday June 30th

There's nothing really unusual going on in the skies over London; just your typical display of U-F-Os soaring through the clouds and attracting crowds of spectators down below. Video of the mysterious air show has received more than two-million views on YouTube in just a few days.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, June 29th

CHESTER BENNINGTON and MIKE SHINODA from LINKIN PARK recently did an impromptu, unplugged version of ADELE'S "Rolling in the Deep". It's actually pretty awesome.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, June 28th

The most common impression people do BADLY has gotta be CHRISTOPHER WALKEN. And there's an article online on how NOT to impersonate him that features six of the worst impressions from YouTube.

Click here.

Monday, June 27, 2011

JayTube - Monday, June 27th

There's a new video on YouTube of a pigeon in Cannes, France picking up a video camera and flying away with it. And it goes a few blocks before it lands.

Some people think the video's fake, but we're not sure how you'd fake it.

Friday, June 24, 2011

JayTube - Friday, June 24th

J.K. Rowling announced details about her mysterious Pottermore website yesterday. In a YouTube video, the Harry Potter author described Pottermore as "an online reading experience unlike any other... It's the same story with a few crucial additions."

Built around the Potter books, the site will combine social networking elements and a game-like world with a number of features, such as e-books and additional information she says she's "been hoarding for years." It launches in October.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, June 23rd

A new Woolite commercial hit the web this week and it’s unlike any detergent commercial you’ve ever seen before. Directed by Rob Zombie, it doesn’t feature any of the pleasant images, flowers or amazing stain-fighting demonstrations that we’ve come to expect from companies like Woolite. Rather, it features clothing being tortured to get the message across—don’t torture your clothes…choose Woolite.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, June 22nd

Yesterday was the first day of summer and today we've put together a list of videos to get into the summertime spirit

There’s nothing more relaxing than watching the sunrise on the beach. Here are some amazing shots of sunrises on the shores of Tasmania

The summer isn’t always about relaxing. Sometimes it’s about just plain having fun. Here’s an awesome video of a flash mob on the beach

You may be afraid that you’ll have trouble finding that summer lovin’ with the belly you developed over this long, cold winter, but not to worry! Here’s a tutorial that can help you fake great abs so you’ll look great on the beach, no matter what!

The best and easiest homemade lemonade tutorial.

Here’s a fun compilation of all the movies you can look forward to seeing this summer, including Captain America, Cowboys and Aliens, Conan, Green Lantern, Harry Potter and more.

If you don’t live near the beach, you can always head to the pool.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, June 21

"WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC has released the video for his new single "Perform This Way", which of course is a parody of LADY GAGA'S "Born This Way".

The video, like the song, pokes fun at Gaga's ridiculous costumes, including her plastic bubble outfit and her infamous "meat dress." He also brings out a MADONNA impersonator to mock the "controversy" over the similarities between "Born This Way" and "Express Yourself".

And at the beginning of the video, he mocks the egg "vessel" that Lady Gaga rode into this year's Grammys. Weird Al plays Gaga . . . by having his face superimposed onto a woman's body.

Weird Al's new album "Alpocalypse" hit stores TODAY.

Monday, June 20, 2011

JayTube - Monday, June 20th

A little boy was testing out Dance Central at the Microsoft store -- on the hard level -- when it became apparent that he is completely awesome. Watch as he dances his little heart out to "Disturbia."

Friday, June 17, 2011

JayTube - Friday, June 17th

Check Out Lady Gaga's "Edge of Glory" Video:

LADY GAGA'S "Edge of Glory" video hit the web yesterday.

There are only two people in the whole video: Gaga and CLARENCE CLEMONS . . . who played sax on the track.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, June 16th

KEN JEONG stars in the NBC show "Community", but most people know him as the doctor in "Knocked Up", or the Asian gangster 'Mr. Chow" in the "Hangover" movies.

But before he was an actor, he was a doctor. And now he's in a video for the American Heart Association that teaches people to do CPR to the beat of the Bee Gees song, "Stayin' Alive".

First, a guy collapses playing charades. Then two blonde models show up in T-shirts that say "Call 9-1-1" and "Push Hard and Fast." And after they start doing CPR, Ken Jeong shows up wearing John Travolta's suit from "Saturday Night Fever".

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, June 15th

A co-host on the "Today" show in Australia named Karl Stefanovich got to interview the DALAI LAMA, and for some reason he decided to share his favorite Dalai Lama joke.

It's just one line, and it goes like this: The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says, "Can you make me one with everything?"

Get it? To become enlightened, you must become ONE with EVERYTHING. Anyway, it takes a second to get, even if English is your FIRST language. And the Dalai Lama didn't get it AT ALL.

He just sat there and looked confused, then eventually laughed at how embarrassed the reporter was.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, June 14th

Many of us live our lives online via social networks like Facebook and Twitter. We share our thoughts, our opinions, our photos and even let everyone know where we are and what we're doing. But because it's all online, we feel comfortable sharing all that information. But what if you did all of this in the real world? You probably wouldn't feel comfortable sharing your life with people you hardly know or don't know at all. That's the point of this terrific video.

Monday, June 13, 2011

JayTube - Monday, June 13th

A new YouTube compilation is making the rounds, paying tribute to the interwebs to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody.

The video, called ‘Everything Great About YouTube’, is five minutes and 20 seconds of pure YouTube love. It cuts together over 50 of the best YouTube videos of all time, seamlessly with the lyrics of the Queen classic.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011


In JayTube today you'll be thinking through your Facebook friends list! This woman had 152 of her friends FB profile pics tattooed on her arm!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

StephTube June 7th

It was a rough night for Canucks fans.... This video might give you a little pick me up! The famous "Green Men" have parody's Bruno Mars' The Lazy Song.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Today this father is going viral for dropping his daughter while trying to catch a foul ball. Dad? Seriously?

Friday, June 3, 2011

JayTube - Friday, June 3rd

Here’s the video that everyone has been talking about over the last couple of
days—the video that people are saying is the cutest cat video of all time. When
we first saw the video it had just over 700,000 views. Now it’s up to 13
million. What do you think? Is this really the cutest cat video ever?

value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Vw4KVoEVcr0?version=3">name="allowFullScreen" value="true">value="always">type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true"
allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390">

Thursday, June 2, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, June 2nd

There's a new video online of a kid giving an inspirational speech for kids who can't ride a bike. And he yells, quote, "If you believe in yourself, you will know how to ride a bike! If you don't, you just keep practicing!"

Then . . . for some reason . . . he yells, "Thumbs up, everybody! For rock and roll!"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday June 1st

Team Steph with the Myles family and Jason Maclean of the Yoga Outlet after their first yoga class. The Myles family enjoyed the class and despite some wobbly postures it was all good! The focus on breathing helps with the yoga practice.

Team Jay of the Great Family Revolution with the DeGruchy family who attended their first yoga class with Jason Maclean of the Yoga Outlet. Jason said the foundation of yoga is to have FUN and to do what you can do!
Stretching, breathing, posture are all the positives when attending yoga.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, May 31st

Here's proof that Auto-Tune is just for hacks: JAY-Z posted cell phone footage online of BEYONCÉ warming up backstage before she performed "One Plus One" on the "American Idol" finale. And she sounds PERFECT.

Monday, May 30, 2011

JayTube - Monday, May 30th

It’s that time of year once again when students don caps and gowns to signify the closing of one door and the opening of another.

It is not only a great time to think about the future, but also to reflect on the past. When you were little, do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you think the kids in this video will achieve their childhood dreams?

Friday, May 27, 2011

JayTube - Friday May 27th

Artist Andrew Huang was left alone in a room filled with a thousand pairs of old jeans. What he did was a create one of the most unique musical performances ever using nothing but the jeans.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, May 26th

With their fearless team Captain Jay DeLong of K100 the Team DeGruchy (Kelly, Kevin and Kristie) are in great hands.

Jay's strategy with Kristie who is really wanting to win...is ...Just to Win...what are they winning. The bragging rights to say they have transformed their family with decluttering and organization of the home, balancing the mind with yoga and meditation and healing the body with nutrition using the Simply for Life program.

With their fearless team Captain Steph Downey of K100 the A Team Myles (Denise, Ben and Sydney) are in great hands.

Steph is keeping her strategy a bit of a secret but is sharing some...planning ahead, preparing and organizing and keeping in touch and supporting the TEAM.
The journey will involve organizing, yoga and nutrition...


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, May 25

A local up and comer in the film industry!

We always see cute kids in videos, but what about kids making videos?

You may be familiar with the local creative genius’ behind Hemmings House Pictures, brothers Greg and Mark Hemmings, but a new Hemmings is stepping onto the film scene! Mark’s daughter Aren! Now when kids are unsupervised they find some interesting ways to entertain themselves but this is impressive! Recently Mark fell asleep and Aren put her creative talent to work. Now she’s 7 years old, btw, and she took Mark’s camera, set it on a tripod, and took time lapse still photos of her younger sister. This is one of the coolest YouTube’s I’ve seen in a while; you’ve got to check it out. The next viral video for sure!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, May 24th

This video isn’t about Arnold’s current situation but it is definitely the best Schwarzenegger YouTube video of all time. This clip includes 160 of the best Schwarzenegger quotes. Even in times like these, when Arnold is being lambasted for his relationship wrongdoings, it’s hard not to admit that Arnold has made some pretty good movies and said some pretty quotable quotes.

Friday, May 20, 2011

JayTube - Friday, May 19th

City Councilor Mel Norton challenges Jay DeLong to an uphill soap box race in promotion of the downhill NB Soap Box Derby on May 27 & 28 in Rockwood Park.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, May 19th

GWYNETH PALTROW was on the "Graham Norton Show" in England last week, and when he asked about her love of '90s hip hop, she rapped the first verse of the NWA song, "Gangsta Gangsta".

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, May 18th

Improv Everywhere just released their latest video—a surprise musical called ‘Gotta Share!’ Conference goers are surprised when one speaker, and members of the audience, break out in song. The song is about sharing on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. Of course, once you see this video you’ll just have to share it!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, May 17th

The Saint John Sea Dogs double overtime victory over the Gatineau Olympiques on Sunday to capture the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League's President's Cup.

As President's Cup champions, the Sea Dogs will advance to represent the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League at the MasterCard Memorial Cup in Mississauga, Ont. From May 20 to 29.

The Sea Dogs are inviting fans to a celebratory Memorial Cup sendoff with the
team from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday on the concourse of Harbour Station.

Click here.

Monday, May 16, 2011

JayTube - Monday, May 16th

You've seen plenty of videos of idiots running onto the field at sporting events. But have you ever seen one where the guy got AWAY?

Well, during a baseball game in Houston on Friday, a fan ran on the field, and got away from a security guard by scaling the center field fence.

Then when another security guard tried to get him in the stands, he scaled a terrace, jumped a wall, disappeared, and the crowd started cheering. The YouTube video is called "The Great Fan Escape."

According to the Astros, the guy made it the whole way out of the stadium . . . but he did eventually get arrested.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, May 11th

In this video two guys decide it’s a good idea to try on an electric bark collar and do a little bit of barking. It doesn’t look too comfortable to me. I think dog owners should have to do this before putting electric collars on their dogs.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, May 10th

A guy made a video of his dog, then edited in voiceover to make it look they were having a conversation, and the dog could talk back. The YouTube video is called "Ultimate Dog Tease ", and it's racked up over 12 million views in just over a week.

He basically teases the dog by talking about bacon and steak, and makes it look like the dog is reacting. It's pretty stupid, but it's funny and kind of believable in a weird way. In fact, some idiot on YouTube left a comment asking, "Is this real?"

Monday, May 9, 2011

JayTube - Monday, May 9th

This is one awesome dad. He catches a foul ball at a baseball game one-handed, with no baseball glove, while holding his daughter. How cool is that?

Friday, May 6, 2011

JayTube - Friday, May 6th

Comedian and mom Anita Renfroe is getting a ton of hits on YouTube for her funny and brilliant rap tribute to moms titled, "In Tha Muthahood."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, May 5th

BEYONCÉ is now involved with Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" obesity campaign, and she did a new version of the song "Get Me Bodied" called "Move Your Body". Michelle even danced to it the other day.

Anyway, a bunch of middle schoolers in Harlem were dancing to it in their gymnasium on Tuesday, and Beyoncé showed up and danced with them.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, May 4th

WILL FERRELL shaved off Conan O'Brien's beard on Monday, but he also showed up at the Lakers playoff game. And when he and JOHN C. REILLY made it onto the kiss cam, they each took a big bite of their hamburgers, then briefly locked lips.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

JayTube - Monday, May 2nd

A soccer player has inked a long-term contract with a Dutch team. That may not sound like an interesting piece of news until you learn that the soccer player is a one-year-old and a viral video showing his skills is what got him signed. He'll be under contract with the club until he's 11-years-old.

Friday, April 29, 2011

JayTube - Friday, April 29th

Did this ever happen in your high school? This kid puts on a semi-flash mob at school in order to ask a girl to the prom. The group is pretty awesome and the girl says yes. The dancing at that prom will be crazy!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, April 28th

Today we’ve got a collection of fun videos to put a smile on your face. Today we bring you the brand new Old Spice guy, an awesome parody trailer for a Monopoly movie, an amazing dancing dog, a funny commercial parody and a doctor with some serious skills.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, April 27th

The Onion News Network did one of their fake morning show interviews, and it's pretty funny. They're supposedly talking to the writer of "Fast Five", the new sequel to "The Fast and The Furious". But it turns out to be a five year old kid named Chris Morgan.

The kid's missing his front teeth, plays with matchbox cars, wrote the script with crayons, and talks just like a regular five-year-old would.

So when they ask him what elements he wanted to include in the new film, he says, quote, "I want the cars to drive fast, and then some of them explode." Then at the end of the interview, he takes a nap.

Today Now! Interviews The 5-Year-Old Screenwriter Of "Fast Five"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, April 26th

In case you missed it, yesterday we featured a video called "Hysterical Bubbles" where a baby laughs uncontrollably at a dog eating soap bubbles. And now there are a couple new versions. One slows it down to half-speed . . . and the baby sounds downright evil.

The other is a remix that uses the best parts of the slowed-down evil baby

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, April 21st

It's about time somebody sat a panel of children down to discuss Charlie Sheen's antics. In a new video from the "Kids React" series, our nation's future watch some of Charlie's best interview moments and tell the honest truth of what they think about him. Do they think he's winning or losing? Watch here to find out.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, April 20th

Some hockey players got into a brawl during a minor league match in Russia, which isn't really news. But during this one, an idiot fan jumped over the glass and joined in.

He didn't land any big punches and didn't take any shots, but he seemed proud of himself anyway.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

JaYtube - Tuesday, April 19th

The Royal Wedding between PRINCE WILLIAM and KATE MIDDLETON is next Friday, and there's a decent parody video that shows royal lookalikes dancing down the aisle to the song "House of Love" by a British boy band called East 17.

It's a spoof of the "JK Wedding Entrance Dance " video that hit YouTube in 2009 and racked up over 64 million views. That's the one where the couple in Minnesota danced into the church with their wedding party to the Chris Brown song "Forever".

Monday, April 18, 2011

JayTube - Monday, April 18th

JUSTIN BIEBER played a concert in Zurich, Switzerland earlier this month. And some guy pranked hundreds of girls while they were waiting to get into the venue.

He dressed up like Bieber, stood on the roof of a nearby building, and started waving. And as soon as one girl started screaming, so did the rest.

Friday, April 15, 2011

JayTube - Friday, April 15th

There's a Golf Course in Australia With 30 Sharks in One of the Water Hazards:

Imagine hitting your golf ball into a water hazard, walking to the edge of the
water, and seeing a ten-foot SHARK swimming around. Well, it's possible at the
Carbrook Golf Club in Queensland, Australia, which features a lake filled with
30 bull sharks.

Club officials think the sharks washed into the lake during a flood in the
early '90s, and there's a video on YouTube of one shark swimming right up to the
edge of the shore.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, April 14th

U.S. President Obama gave a speech about the national debt at George Washington University in D.C. yesterday . . . and Vice President Joe Biden nodded off in the middle of it.

Apparently Biden wasn't the only one who was bored, because in the video, a woman sitting behind him also has trouble staying awake.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, April 13th

ASHTON KUTCHER and DEMI MOORE got a bunch of their celebrity friends to star in a series of PSAs about sex trafficking. And naturally, they decided to make them FUNNY. (???) Which is a weird angle, considering how serious the subject matter is.

One has JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE shaving with a chainsaw, and another one has SEAN PENN using an iron to make a grilled cheese sandwich.

A third one has JAMIE FOXX opening a beer bottle with his remote control, and they all use the tagline, "Are You a Real Man?"

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, April 12th

Imagine all three hours of the classic film The Godfather performed in one minute; in one take; and with one camera by an acting troupe in a park. Go on, imagine it. It probably looks something like this.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Jaytube - Friday, April 8th


Friday is here and if you need an extra push to get you through to the weekend . . . We’ve got a great collection of funny videos, including a dog stuck in the arm of a sweatshirt, a cat with some serious posing skills and a video of how I'm going to win when/if Mel Norton decides to let me compete in New Brunswick's All American Soap Box Derby.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, April 6th

A girl posted a video of herself covering Eminem . . . but she looks EXACTLY like Justin Bieber.

Her name is Dani Shay and a YouTube video of her covering the EMINEM song "Love the Way You Lie" is getting a lot of attention.

Apparently she's aware of the resemblance, because she also posted a video in December where she sang the song "Baby", but changed the lyrics and made them about people who see her on the street and mistake her for Bieber.

Check them both out below

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, April 5th

This little girl loves Kid Cudi. She’s half asleep in the back seat, but when she hears her favorite song she wakes right up, starts dancing and singing, “Yo! Yo! Yo!”

Monday, April 4, 2011

JayTube - Monday, April 4th

SNOOKI won her match at "Wrestlemania 27" last night . . . and she did it with a pretty sick move.

Now, if you've seen celebrities get involved in pro wrestling matches before, then you know that they're usually put in tag team matches with actual wrestlers, so they don't have to do much work.

Last night was no different. Snooki was in a six-person tag team match. It was two girls and a guy on each team. And Snooki did almost nothing until the last minute of the match.

When her partner, TRISH STRATUS, tagged her in, the crowd BOOED pretty hard. But Snooki actually won them over with her skills.

She did a cartwheel into a backflip . . . out of which she rammed her opponent, MICHELLE MCCOOL, into the corner. Then, with McCool on the mat, she did a cartwheel over her prone body and then came down on her with a mini-splash for the three-count.

Friday, April 1, 2011

JayTube - Friday, April 1st

So yesterday we had the twin baby boys arguing, but we couldn't understand what they were saying. Now there are subtitles and we can finally understand what they are saying to each other in their secret baby language. It turns out their argument is about none other than Rebecca Black and her song "Friday."

Thursday, March 31, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, March 31st

This one can be filed under "Can't get any cuter." These twin baby boys in diapers are carrying on a conversation. We of course don't know what they're talking about, but can only assume it has something to do with their missing or mismatched socks. But that's just a guess.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, March 30th

Wednesday Morning Laughs

Hungry for a midnight snack a dog enters the kitchen, opens the fridge and grabs a slice of pizza. But wait! You forgot to close the fridge

What kind of pet owner thinks to put his cat in a hotdog costume and then videotape the cat eating a hotdog?

Since Rebecca Black started trending on Twitter as a result of her music video ‘Friday’ there has been tons of covers and parodies making their way to YouTube, but this one has got to be the best.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, March 29th

A guy in British Columbia was skiing down the side of a mountain when something triggered an avalanche. And he was wearing a camera, so he got the whole thing on video. Luckily, he didn't get buried very deep, but the footage is still crazy.
As soon as it starts, the guy screams "avalanche", and the next 20 seconds are total chaos. Then one of his friends who was also wearing a camera skis over, sees him buried up to his waist in snow, and starts cracking up.

Friday, March 25, 2011

JayTube - Friday, March 25th

This might be the next "double rainbow."

Seeing a tornado forming over your house is nothing to take lightly. But when this kid saw a funnel-shaped cloud over his yard in Pennsylvania this week, he had one of the greatest freak-outs ever.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, March 24th

ELIZABETH TAYLOR will be remembered for movies like "Cleopatra" and "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf", but MovieLine.com put together a video list of her eight most memorable CAMEOS.

Over the years, Taylor appeared on "General Hospital", "All My Children", "The Nanny", and may have done her BEST work playing Fred's mother-in-law in the 1994 "Flintstones" movie.

She even provided the voice for Maggie when she said her first word on "The Simpsons". Here only line was the word "Daddy".

Click here.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, March 23rd

This video of Little Emerson is just shy of 9 million views in the 9 days since the it has been uploaded. If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out below. And if you have seen it, watch it again!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Flash mobs usually do dance routines in malls or train stations. But not this new flash mob video on YouTube

Someone placed an empty plastic bottle on the floor next to a recycling bin in a shopping mall food court, then waited to see how long it would take before someone picked it up and put it in the bin.

About 25 people walk by without picking it up, and when a girl finally recycles it,
the mob gives her a 30 second standing ovation.

Monday, March 21, 2011

JayTube - Monday, March 21st

YouTube celebrity Ryan Higa showed his support for Japan in a very cool way. He headed out to the streets with a “Honk If You Love Japan” sign. For every honk he donated $10, for a total of $600, and for every 1 million views that his video get’s he’ll donate $600 more. So far the video has 3.4 million views.

Friday, March 18, 2011

All mildly successful actors in Hollywood have acting reels that showcase scenes from the movies and TV shows they've been in.

But there's a new video on YouTube called "World's Greatest Extra" that features the work of a nerdy looking actor named JESSE HEIMAN. You won't recognize his name, but you might know him when you see him.

According to IMDB, he's been in almost 50 different TV shows and movies since 2001, but in almost all of them he's either been an extra in the background, or a character that wasn't important enough to get a name.

The video includes clips of him playing "Nerd #1" on an episode of "Entourage", "American Idol Hopeful" on an episode of "Reno 911", "Student" in the movie "The Social Network", "Student on Couch" in the movie "Van Wilder", and 21 more.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

JayTube - Thursday March 17th

Recently it has been hard to watch the news, with so many stories filled tragedy. But here’s one story that shines a little light of hope. Akiko Kosaka, a Japanese student attending the University of California at Riverside, discovered that her family in Japan was alive thanks to a YouTube clip.

Akiko received word from a friend of a YouTube video that showed her house, still standing alone in the rubble, with her older sister holding up a sign for the TV news crews that read in Japanese, “We are all safe.”