Yesterday was the first day of summer and today we've put together a list of videos to get into the summertime spirit
There’s nothing more relaxing than watching the sunrise on the beach. Here are some amazing shots of sunrises on the shores of Tasmania
The summer isn’t always about relaxing. Sometimes it’s about just plain having fun. Here’s an awesome video of a flash mob on the beach
You may be afraid that you’ll have trouble finding that summer lovin’ with the belly you developed over this long, cold winter, but not to worry! Here’s a tutorial that can help you fake great abs so you’ll look great on the beach, no matter what!
The best and easiest homemade lemonade tutorial.
Here’s a fun compilation of all the movies you can look forward to seeing this summer, including Captain America, Cowboys and Aliens, Conan, Green Lantern, Harry Potter and more.
If you don’t live near the beach, you can always head to the pool.