Wednesday, November 10, 2010

JayTube - Wednesday, November 10th

A NY-based sketch comedy have created a parody with a purpose. It's their take on Travie McCoy’s ‘Billionaire’, called ‘A Billion Views’ with lyrics about viral videos stars and memes.

The goal, obviously, is to hit a billion views. It was uploaded on November 2 and so far it’s just short of 60,000 views

In the clip, no YouTube stone unturned, popular viral stars and memes make appearances in the background. From the Numa Numa guy to the girl that fell off the table, double rainbows, pants on the ground, Fred, Shane Dawson, Tay Zonday and from Antoine Dodsonthe.

The only question that remains to be answered is will they reach their goal of ‘A Billion Views’?