Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Here are a few tips on how you can be a little greener today and everyday!!

1. Use a reusable thermos for your coffee, not only will it keep your coffee warmer longer but it can save you money at some coffee shops! (just think of how many paper cups you could save in a year!)

2. Put a 2L bottle of water into your toilet tank, you'll be saving 2L every flush!

3. Use cloth bags for grocery shopping. Each year you'll save a ton of plastic bags from ending up in a landfill site, plus at some grocery stores you pay for every bag you use.

4. If you recycle your Sunday newspaper every week, you'll keep four trees alive per year and increase the earth's oxygen.

5. If you cut one 32 km car trip each week by completing errands at once rather than making separate trips, you'll prevent more than 1,200 pounds of greenhouse gas from being emitted and adding to global warming

6. If you recycle a six-pack of aluminum cans every week, you'll save enough energy to power a television for 936 hours.