Friday, September 30, 2011

JayTube - Friday, September 30th

This Sunday is ANDY ROONEY'S last episode of "60 Minutes", so called "Andy Rooney Out of Context". It's just random comments from Rooney. But without any context, they're even more ridiculous.

Here are just a few of the things he says: He thinks the staple remover is a better invention than the staple . . . he wishes telephones made a different sound . . . and he likes roasting marshmallows, but rarely has access to a fire.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, September 29

In case you missed it, JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITT did an outstanding Axl Rose impression on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" on Tuesday. He sang a karaoke version of the Kelly Clarkson song "Since U Been Gone".

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, September 28th

What would you do if you were out on a movie date and entered the theater with your date to discover that the entire theater was filled with big tough bikers, except for two lone seats in the middle?

An awesome new viral campaign set out to see how couples would react to a theater filled with the not-so-friendly guys.

The video has racked up a whopping 1.3 million views in under a week and has the Internet abuzz as people talk about how they would react.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, September 27th

Over the weekend a new dance sensation, who calls himself Nonstop, was introduced online. This guy takes "The Robot" to an entirely new level.

This video was just uploaded on Friday and already has well over a million views.

Monday, September 26, 2011

JayTube - Monday, September 26

YouTube sensation Matt Mulholland, known for his outstanding one-man multi-track a cappella videos, has redone the memorable skateboard-chase scene from Back to the Future.

Friday, September 23, 2011

JayTube - Friday, September 23rd

Have you ever wondered what all your favorite classic film characters would look like with Tom Selleck’s moustache? Wonder no more!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, September 22nd

Someone posted a video on YouTube of two white-haired old ladies tailgating at the University of Michigan football game last weekend. And they race to see who can SHOTGUN A BEER the fastest.

One of them did it in SIX SECONDS. The other did it in about eight. Could you do better?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, September 21st

Remember how the Rickrolling Internet meme revived the career of Rick Astley? Michael Bolton may get a new throng of fans after today's vide "Bolton Beach." Watch this and get "Bolton'ed."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, September 20th

Guys are always checking out girls, and often aren't very discreet about it. Girls like to check out guys too, only they're so tactful in their ability to do so that guys have no idea. That's why a guy named Anthony decided to perform a little experiment. He installed tiny hidden cameras on different parts of his body to see which of his parts capture the attention of ladies. What he found is that women aren't very discreet when cameras are watching them.

Monday, September 19, 2011

JayTube - Monday, September 19th

Everyone knows that old people have trouble with computers, which is why the viral video we shared last week of an elderly couple trying to use a webcam was so funny. Now this week, it's another elderly couple grappling with a computer issue. The Muppet Show's heckling old men Statler and Waldorf try to get on the Internet.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, September 14th

We learned last week that MADONNA hates hydrangeas. For some reason, this became far more of a "controversy" than it had any right to be.

So Madonna decided to make a YouTube video lampooning the whole thing. And it's actually pretty funny.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

JayTube - Monday, Sept 12th

After 1.6 million votes, contemporary dancer Jordan Clark has been named Canada's Favourite Dancer on the So You Think You Can Dance Canada Season 4 finale

Congratulations to Jordan Clark, also congrats to our man, Matt Marr from Quispamsis. Matt came in third, check out Matt below in his Top Ten Solo.

Friday, September 9, 2011

JayTube - Friday, September 9th

Today in JayTube we take a look at The New Brunswick Youth Orchestra’s El Sistema after-school program, which exposes children to music.

El Sistema is entering its third year in Moncton and starts here in Saint John this month. More than 200 children will participate

El Sistema started in of Venezuela, offering any enthusiastic and dedicated child the instrument of their choice and free lessons. More than 350,000 children now participate in the South American country's program.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, September 7th

Today on JayTube we are featuring the newest member to the K-100 family, Boss Geoff.

Get an exclusive inside look at the important issues that are discussed with our new leader from day to day.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, September 6th

I hate to call stuff like 'planking' and 'owling' a trend, because let's face it: How many people are actually doing this? Anyway, you can add 'Batmaning' to the list of stupid Internet trends that aren't really sweeping the nation.

It's sort of like planking, but instead of just lying down flat somewhere, you have to HANG UPSIDE DOWN off of something by your feet . . . like a sleeping bat. So while it has nothing to do with Batman, at least it involves some athletic ability.

Monday, September 5, 2011

JayTube - Monday, September 5th

When the earthquake hit Virginia last week people started tweeting about it so quickly that people in New York knew it had struck before they even felt the quake. Twitter make this hilarious commercial as a result. Twitter is faster than earthquakes, indeed!

Friday, September 2, 2011

JayTube - Friday, September 2nd

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE hasn't been in "music mode" for a while now, but on Wednesday night he performed with a Memphis band called FREESOL in New York.

It happened at his restaurant, Southern Hospitality, and the band is one of Justin's protégés. He "executive produced" their upcoming debut album, which comes out next month, and he "co-directed" a few of their videos.

During their gig Wednesday night, Justin played the keyboard on some of their tracks . . . did some rapping . . . and busted out an acoustic version of his 2007 single "What Goes Around . . . Comes Around".

Thursday, September 1, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, September 1st

Apparently Snooki from "Jersey Shore" always wanted to be an anchorwoman. If you'd like to see how that would have turned out, you're in luck. We give you: The News According to Snooki

She covers the hurricane, Beyoncé's pregnancy, and some Stupid News. It would have been funny if she'd actually tried to be a news anchor. But since it was done for hi-larious laughs, the three minutes she's "reporting" feel like an eternity.