Saturday night was our second LTA at The Canterbury and we had an AMAZING time! We will be there every Saturday from 10pm-2am and what you hear on K100 is exactly whats going on in the club. DJ Fire is spinning live and the past two weeks it has been packed!! Don't miss out, join us this Saturday to get in on the action!! Check out the photos from this weeks LTA...
For a few months now Jay has hijacked my blog and posted daily JayTube videos and I have blogged about NOTHING! I am making a a resolution to begin posting regularly again, and now that I am putting it in writing I'm thinking there is more of a chance that I'll stick to it! So here goes nothing!
A guy on YouTube did a mash-up of pop songs on the VIOLIN, and the video's gotten over a million views. He does "Telephone" by Lady Gaga, "Blah Blah Blah" by Kesha, "Rude Boy" by Rihanna, and "OMG" by Usher.
Tennis Pro Roger Federer shows off at an ad shoot by knocking a bottle off a crewmember’s head from across the room with a tennis ball. The video has been viewed over 5 million times since it was uploaded to YouTube last week.
A bunch of golfers in Europe did an ad for the European Tour where they tried to hit a nine-inch gong from 200 yards away. And they had to skim the ball along a LAKE to get it there. It took a while, but an English golfer named David Howell finally did it.
Ever notice the line "We've Got Company!" is in almost every movie? Today's video is made up of clips from a bunch of different movies saying the phrase “We’ve Got Company!”
Check out the video and see how many of these movies you recognize.
A guy named Jordan Hollender did a version of "Eye Of The Tiger" using nothing but the instrument applications on his iPad, and it sounds . . . pretty much how you'd think it would
There's a video making its rounds of Justin Bieber getting nailed by a water bottle on stage, it actually got over 6 million views last week. Well of course, somebody auto-tuned it
A TV station in Kansas is holding a CARRIE UNDERWOOD karaoke contest where viewers can record themselves singing one of her songs for a chance to win tickets to her next concert.
But for people who don't have a camera or can't access the Internet, the TV station held a karaoke event last Saturday . . . here's my favorite.
It doesn't take any real skill to open up a beer bottle. Anyone can do it. But few can open 200 beer bottles in only one-minute and 20-seconds. Watch this guy do it.
A few months ago, America’s Got Talent announced that they would be searching for talent on YouTube and tonight 12 online video stars will make their television debuts. They include a pizza dough juggler, a rope jumper, a magician, a 10-year old opera singer and my favorite an accordion playing dog. Check it out
Remember when you were growing up, you had that one crazy friend that would do anything on a dare? Perhaps you were that crazy kid. The kid in this video may be one of the craziest out there. Instead of doing the string tied to a door-knob trick to pull a loose tooth out of his mouth, he opted instead to tie a long string at one end around the tooth and the other end to a rocket. That's right, a rocket.
This clip is really taking off, after being posted on Perez Hilton earlier this week. It's Mark Docoscos announcing all off the secret ingredients on Iron Chef America. Hilarious!!
Last Friday at the Orange County State Fair in Costa Mesa, California, a local news reporter knocked over an ice sculpture. And to add insult to injury, he did it right after the guy he was interviewing told him it took EIGHT HOURS to make.
Sometimes you find amazing videos that go viral and sometimes it's amazing what videos actually go viral. Check out this little gem that has got about 2.5 million views.
The title of this video gives a pretty clear explanation of what the clip is. What you see is what you get—a goat yelling like a man.
This video was uploaded almost two years ago, but it finally took off last week when it was featured on YouTube’s home page.