Tuesday, October 4, 2011

JayTube - Monday, October 4th

I know times are tough, but this is just ridiculous: A sandwich shop in Eugene, Oregon held a contest over the weekend, offering $300 and free subs for a year to the person who could chug 32 OUNCES OF RANCH DRESSING the fastest.

There's a video of it online, and one guy does it in 25 SECONDS.

Apparently this isn't the first ranch dressing race sponsored by the restaurant chain. The first one was in Iowa this April . . . where a college student drank 24 ounces in 16 seconds.

Monday, October 3, 2011

JayTube - Monday, October 3rd

There's a pretty intense video on YouTube . . . but it's not intense in the way you might think. It's just a 29-year-old deaf girl hearing herself for the first time, with the aid of a medical device.

Basically, she reacts exactly how you'd THINK someone would react when hearing their own voice for the first time . . . she's emotionally overwhelmed.

Friday, September 30, 2011

JayTube - Friday, September 30th

This Sunday is ANDY ROONEY'S last episode of "60 Minutes", so called "Andy Rooney Out of Context". It's just random comments from Rooney. But without any context, they're even more ridiculous.

Here are just a few of the things he says: He thinks the staple remover is a better invention than the staple . . . he wishes telephones made a different sound . . . and he likes roasting marshmallows, but rarely has access to a fire.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

JayTube - Thursday, September 29

In case you missed it, JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITT did an outstanding Axl Rose impression on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" on Tuesday. He sang a karaoke version of the Kelly Clarkson song "Since U Been Gone".

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

JayTube - Wednesday, September 28th

What would you do if you were out on a movie date and entered the theater with your date to discover that the entire theater was filled with big tough bikers, except for two lone seats in the middle?

An awesome new viral campaign set out to see how couples would react to a theater filled with the not-so-friendly guys.

The video has racked up a whopping 1.3 million views in under a week and has the Internet abuzz as people talk about how they would react.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

JayTube - Tuesday, September 27th

Over the weekend a new dance sensation, who calls himself Nonstop, was introduced online. This guy takes "The Robot" to an entirely new level.

This video was just uploaded on Friday and already has well over a million views.

Monday, September 26, 2011

JayTube - Monday, September 26

YouTube sensation Matt Mulholland, known for his outstanding one-man multi-track a cappella videos, has redone the memorable skateboard-chase scene from Back to the Future.